
Mat You Can is the largest online Pilates and Yoga school in Italy, the first to believe inworkout at home its valley 2017.

The platform created by Enzo Ventimiglia, internationally renowned teacher and trainer in the mind-body sector, helps movement professionals and enthusiasts to keep fit, move and stay inspired from anywhere, anytime through i Pilates and Yoga online video courses of some of the best Italian teachers.

Why Mat You Can was born

When was she born, in 2017, it was a revolution that changed the way of understanding the movement.

We are aware of how difficult it is sometimes to reconcile work and family commitments with physical well-being, mind and spirit and also with adequate professional development.

Spesso ci si sente travolti dagli eventi e, immancabilmente, we end up neglecting ourselves, forgetting that disciplines like yoga and Pilates serve us even more when we are under more pressure: they help us find our own balance, una propria centratura, che consente di affrontare con più stabilità ogni scossone della vita.

But time is always short.

A volte il semplice pensiero di mettersi in macchina, affrontare il traffico, doversi semplicemente “sistemare” per partecipare a una lezione in uno studio può risultare fonte di stress. Altre volte può capitare di trovarsi spesso in viaggio e di non poter frequentare con regolarità uno studio yoga o Pilates.

Con Mat You Can non è più necessario fare i salti mortali per conciliare tutti gli impegni della giornata né sentirsi in colpa quando si deve saltare una lezione: basta accedere al sito, scegliere la lezione in base al tempo a propria disposizione e iniziare il viaggio, in qualsiasi momento della giornata!

E per i professionisti del settore, per gli insegnanti di yoga e Pilates in cerca di approfondimenti e ispirazione, Mat You Can è un fondamentale e quotidiano strumento di lavoro.

“In questo progetto in cui credo fortemente potete rintracciare tutta la mia passione per ciò che faccio – Enzo said at the beginning – I really appreciated that some of the best Italian teachers have joined the platform, che stimo profondamente e che condividono la mia stessa passione: in primo luogo i fondatori di Odaka Yoga Roberto Milletti e Francesca Cassia, miei maestri oltre che amici, e l’insostituibile Beatrice Morello. Ma la squadra è destinata a crescere con l’apporto di nuove energie positive. Ma Mat You Can non potrebbe esistere senza la passione e l’accuratezza dello staff che ha permesso che questa idea diventasse una realtà: videomaker, grafici, webmaster e comunicatori. Sono convinto che questo progetto trasmetta i sentimenti di passione, trust and friendship that gave birth to him.”

Because Mat You Can

Over the years, Mat You Can's bet has proven successful, even if there were difficult moments.

The first site proved to be unsuitable to accommodate the traffic spikes that took us by surprise, exceeding the wildest expectations, and in the beginning we had to face some discomfort. But from 2022 the launch of the new platform with an exponential improvement in the user experience both in terms of speed and functionality has catapulted us towards a new era.

A success that, thanks to the boom in online fitness in recent years and a more open attitude to the advantages of remote practice, is contributing to the realization of the objective that the founder set himself from the beginning: spread a more conscious idea of ​​movement and practice linked to perceiving one's body in the present moment.

Mat You Can is in fact one online school for physical and mental well-being with a global perspective: attention to movement, never separated from the mental component, it is the basis on which to build longevity and elevate your lifestyle by introducing new positive habits.

The subscriber frees himself from the slavery of time and finally becomes master of his days, without having to respect timetables and conventions imposed by others. You can practice at any time of the day, wherever it is, through any electronic device connected to the Internet:

“Too often – underlines Enzo – you are ready to give up time dedicated to yourself, making all kinds of excuses. The most popular is certainly lack of time, but now we know that to invest in your well-being you need just enough. Regularity matters more than intensity: Also 20 minutes a day help keep our body alive and hydrated and help us build positive habits that support our willpower. Stress and sedentary lifestyle are the diseases of this era that make us more vulnerable, also against diseases. Be well, Today more than ever, it means living in balance and discovering harmony within yourself. With the help of technology, this path becomes much easier, excuse-proof".

The school is accessible at this address: MatYouCan.com

Follow also the Facebook page and the Instagram profile!