- PILATES MAT FLOW Lesson matwork totally free body as the ultimate expression of body function, the fluidity of the movements combined in dynamic sequences based on force, the flexibility and coordination.
- RING & ROLLER Lesson that involves the use of the most notorious tools of contemporary Pilates matwork: the flex ring to strengthen the deep muscles of the body and the roller to challenge balance and proprioception.
- FITBALL – FITBALL EVOLUTION The fitball used for years in rehabilitation work in Pilates and postural takes an innovative vision and making it functional exercises classic matwork even deeper
- FLEXI BAND & MINI BALL The elastic support as well as resistance, in combination with the soft ball, helps to make the most versatile class matwork for a workout workout extremely.
- PILATES ARC Ideal support for the spine, Pilates arc used to improve the mobility of the spine, the core control and posture: extremely effective.
- ALLEGRO REFORMER Lesson that undertakes to bottom through the body the most innovative methods of use of the Reformer, by far the most versatile among the great tools designed by the master.
- EXO CHAIR The chair is one of the tools that best allows you to challenge the body's own ability. The innovative chair created by the Balanced Body, which includes the use of elastics, It improves the concept of integration of the movement to 360 ° creative lesson and extremely fun.
- REFORMER & CHAIR Perfect mix: the essence of Pilates enclosed in a lesson.
- TOWER CLASS The direct resistance of the springs and the versatility of the tower bar for a dynamic class that alternates with other simple exercises that challenge the performance of your body.
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