
Ready for the Holiday Season? To face the best of even a short form this time sequence of yoga It can be of great help. The Christmas holidays They are in fact a time of great emotional intensity: it is an account of what has been and there is full of expectations, We are confronted with loved ones and friends, They tend to stay longer in the company and to seek that union of which every individual is always looking. But all this can sometimes be a cause of anxiety and stress and it is precisely for this reason that during holidays is very important, in order to maintain a positive energy, recreate the interior space, the emotional stability and the relaxation that allow us to be a light to those around us. The yoga as a means of deep connection with oneself can help in this process and the sequence of yoga The following takes just 15 Useful minutes to regain your physical space, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Some practical advice: Hold each position for 8/10 breaths, Repeat on the opposite side of the poses unilateral, the position 1 recreates the right intention by listening to the breath. You can repeat Positions 2 e 3 more times. Run in sequence positions 4 – 5 – 6-. And take the time you need in the position 14 trying to let go of everything remains in a state of conscious relaxation.A short yoga sequence to better face the holiday season

Happy holidays and good practice

Hello '


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