
Posts Tagged ‘workshop’

The appointment with the range Flow weekend that I will study hopes Hot Yoga Milan. If you find yourself in these parts the 24 e 25 September you can book online at this link. If in the meantime you want to know more read my brief introduction on the band and its incredible properties.

“Twist your prana”, my new yoga workshop in Tempio. After a brief theoretical introduction on the importance of twisting asanas and yogic breathing techniques, the practice will aim to release strains the spine through the powerful action of the vortex pace so as to rediscover the purifying action of twists


Find your core is called the yoga workshop that I will keep in Rome 23 January study Odaka Yoga Ponte Milvio. What is the core? The core is the complex of muscles located around the central region of the body that has the task of supporting the spine and posture. From the point of


Experience the sense of freedom by the opening of the hips and trai more from your Yoga practice. Enzo returns to study Just B Milan for another of its unmissable workshops, this time centered on the opening of the hips and the awakening of Apana, or energy of elimination, a particular type of energy moving from the


This core, that is to say, the area is located around the abdominal region, has its importance both from the anatomical point of view that the energy side. If on the one hand it has the task of supporting the spine as it were a “security belt” at the same time is the energetic space correlated with
