
Posts Tagged ‘yoga’

La famiglia Odaka Yoga a Catania cresce, come del resto avviene in tutto il mondo. Lo stile fondato da Roberto Milletti e Francesca Cassia, Sensei e Niji come li chiamiamo amichevolmente, continua ad allungarsi come un’onda nel vasto oceano dello yoga. Ne abbiamo avuto un’ulteriore prova lo scorso weekend: Roberto e Francesco sono stati a Catania


Ready for the Holiday Season? To face the best of form this term also a brief sequence of yoga can be of great help. The Christmas holidays are indeed a time of great emotional intensity: it is an account of what has been and there is full of expectations, We are confronted with their own


Infiniti pleasant moments that have occurred during the yoga workshop Hipsecrets held last Saturday at the studio Just B Milan. Thank you all for letting me a wonderful memory. I am increasingly convinced that it is the interactions we have with others to give us the opportunity to know


Interest Kara Sana, Yoga position also known as Rockstar poses or poses Wild thing, It is an extremely entertaining and energizing asanas that can express strength and grace at the same time. E’ a powerful mix of extension of the column, balance arms, opening the hips and core strength. Its benefits are: stretching the chest muscles, of


Eka Pada Koundinyasana II is a funny position Yoga intermediate / advanced level which takes its name from Koundinya essay. Tra i benefici: rinforza spalle, braccia e polsi, tonifica i muscoli del core, migliora l’equilibrio e la capacità di rimanere attenti e focalizzati.

The 21 December marks the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, and Catania has become tradition illuminate it with the light of beauty, dell'arte, culture. And yoga. This is the rite of light created by the Fondazione Antonio Presti-Fiumara d'Arte and now in its third edition, which this year will take place from 18 al
